March 21, 2005

No humor

The Gods have once again found it necessary to put their sense of humor on display for me. Personally, I am not finding the humor in it. If you have been reading for awhile you are probably already aware that I am the parent of 2 human children but I am also the mother to 5 fur babies.
Yesterday, thinking I would be a good mother to my youngest two fur babies, I took them outside for a bit. With us living in the country we didn't take them outside right away for fear that they would be eaten by a hawk or some other predator. Then of course it became cold and I'm not taking my butt out to stand in the snow to introduce them to the outside world. So now that it is spring I figured I would take the kittens outside. We stayed outside for a few hours and they had a blast, romping around in the grass and chasing little flying things. When it was time to come in they didn't seem to see things that way and chose to run under the porch where I cant reach them. OK no problem, hubby gets on one side of the porch and I get on the other, no matter which way they come out someone will catch them. We finally get the kittens back in the house. Next thing I know my little girl kitten has gone completely insane! She is crying, rolling over acting a fool......Then she does it; she sticks her ass in the air and waves it at her brother. Of course I am thinking "no way, they are to young." Guess what, their not to young. So I now have to keep them completely separated which means one is locked in my bathroom while the other has the run of the house for three hours then I switch them. No, I am not cruel to my animals but I cant put them together until I have a chance to get her to a vet today. Needless to say, their wasn't much sleep for hubby and I last night with all the scratching on the door and crying that went on. You would think the little bastards would get tired and go to sleep. Nope, they are relentless. I will be surprised if I have a bathroom door left once this is over. They are quite determined to tear it down. Not funny!

1 comment:

Justice said...

Ohhh, maaaaaan!!