March 17, 2005

A little peace

This morning I had to go to the high school and register my daughters classes for next year. I hate doing this, it always seems to be a battle. It seems as though the people they have in charge of assisting you with your child's education could use some of it themselves. Last year when we went to do this the woman we dealt with was a complete moron. My daughter is a honor roll student who has taken honor classes for as long as they have been available to her, obviously she is set on a path for college. The woman we dealt with last year was trying to convince my daughter to take a cosmotology course. No don't get me wrong, I have nothing against cosmotologists, I used to be one. But for a child whose goal is Princeton or Yale you don't give them cosmotology!!! Needless to say we did not have that class, but it was an argument. This year wasn't so bad, only one disagreement and the counselor we dealt with today was in agreeance with me that whoever wrote out the schedule they thought she should have was an idiot. So it was fixed rather quickly, of course I had to sign a waiver to have it changed but I'm used to that.
On another note......I have the rest of the day to myself!!!! The baby isn't coming today due to my having to be at the high school this morning. YEAH!! I have decided that I am going to spend the morning online doing whatever it is that I want to do then clean the house in the afternoon. OK not so exciting, but it is better than cleaning the house with a screaming child ramming your ankles with his walker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, such critical life altering mistakes can be made by these know it all guidence "professionals".
How they have unsolicited input to begin with is beyond me.
I'm still laughing about the course options presented to an honor student...
keep smiling