April 28, 2005

Self Inflicted Crazy

Things have been a bit busy here, by my own making of course. You see, I cant do anything easy, I must always make it difficult for myself. My father in law is coming to visit us this weekend, he will be here tomorrow afternoon. He has never seen our new house so I wanted things to look really good. I decided I could paint the living room, but no not just any normal painting. Normal painting would be way to easy and take much to little time to complete. I must use a faux suede finish. Something that looks nicer but takes much more time and effort leaving little to no time to actually clean my house in preparation for his arrival.
Well, here it is Thursday and I have one more side of the room to finish today. Sounds good right? Only one more side then I'm done. The only problem is that I have spent all of my time painting so the laundry is piled up, the bathrooms are a mess, my bedroom is a disaster area and I'm not really sure when I'm going to get to it all. Because in all of this mess that must be straightened up the children still have their extra curricular activities to attend. My daughter must be at dress rehearsal tonight for her chorus concert, the boy has a game and to top it all off, I blew a tire on my car yesterday. So add that to my "to do" list, get a new tire.
You know, of course, my husband took this wonderful opportunity to point out that he thought I should wait until after my father in law left to paint. He now walks with a limp :)

April 25, 2005

Lowe's the family fun store

Well it has begun. The work that I wanted to do in the house. Since the Weatherman has conspired against me and took us from highs of 83 to lows of 32 I have decided to start on the inside of the house. No, he will not keep me down! Yesterday, in anticipation of the many projects running through my little brain, I hit Lowe's. I had an idea of what it is I wanted to get started on first but figured I would walk through the store and see what deals they had going on. If they had a deal on something that wasn't in the forefront of my plans I can always change the order in which I get stuff done.
Man, I felt my testosterone levels spike the moment we pulled in the parking lot. We walked in the door and I had to fight the urge to do the Tim Allen monkey call. They have everything in that place. I could stay there for a week. Here I was, a reasonably intelligent woman with a plan. Once they got me in the doors my brain went to mush and I ran through the aisles like a 5 yr old in Toys R Us. I want 1 of this and 1 of that, oh look at that, that would look great in the living room, oh check out that, we could put that on the porch, oh wait lets get this for the bedroom. How do these people expect you to make a decision in that place?! Needless to say I spent 4 hours walking through designing my dream house. Well, all but the kitchen because I didn't want to go in the kitchen section. I am boycotting kitchens at the moment, long story. But boy you should see the bathroom I designed there. It rocks!! If only my house was big enough for all the things I found there.
So after the initial design of my dream home I had to remember that I was on a budget and was there for a purpose. I marched myself to the paint department, detouring in the flooring department to show my husband what kind of flooring I want. He wasn't to keen on the idea I had told him about for the floors originally but after he saw it he loved it. OK back to the paint. We made it finally. After an hour and a half we found the colors we like and decided to head out of there before I had a second dream house designed. On the way to the checkout counter we found the tools section.
Now it was hubby's turn. I figure I spent hours designing the dream house, what the hell, he could have some fun designing the garage. We did eventually make it out to the real world and back home. I don't know how anyone can go that place and just run in and out.

April 23, 2005


Oh Weatherman, where are you weatherman? Last week you were so kind and wonderful. We had temperatures in the upper 70's, we even hit 80 on a couple of days. Didn't you enjoy the lush greenery and gentle spring breezes? The putting away of winter clothes, wearing shorts and tank tops? The sunkissed faces of the general public smiling to greet you? Was all of this so horrible? Maybe it is that you weren't satisfied with our behavior or felt that we took you for granted. Well, I don't take you for granted, I appreciate your forecast and all of the hard work you do. What could we have possibly done for you to bring down your wrath? Why on earth would it be necessary for me to dig back into my winter clothes for temperatures plunging into the 50's? It is spring, damn it! And today? How could you today?! On the sacred and holy day of the mile long yard sale! All of those people with all of their junk just begging for me to dig through and find my own personal treasure. On the day I was planning to return home and dig up my garden. I am so disappointed in you Weatherman. You really should be careful Mr. Weatherman, the children have discussed it and if you don't stop this soon they are planning your demise.

April 22, 2005

It drops off flat at the state line!

I happen to live in a really small town about 22 miles outside of a major city. It's a whole different world out here in the sticks. We chose this place, intentionally, to give our children a safer place to grow up. Having been born and raised in very large cities all over the world I wasn't happy with the quality of life my children were reduced to due to the crime. We still have crime here but no where near what it was where I was from. Although I am happy with our choice of location the small town politics often make me laugh. They seem to fight over the silliest things. Not to mention priorities in crazy places.
The newest fight in our little community is whether or not to allow liquor by the drink. Yes, there are still places that don't allow it. Call me naive but I didn't think that existed aside from in the 80's movie "Footloose". Because we don't allow this in our town there are no choices of restaurants to eat at. We have a McDonald's, Hardee's, and a Ponderosa. Not much pickin's around here. But all of the locals here head to the next town over to have dinner because they have real choices to choose from, hence serve liquor by the drink.
The reason this bill is being opposed is because the local churches believe this is against God, they are actually calling it a "sin tax". I had to giggle. Didn't Jesus turn water to wine? I mean I may be mistaken here but I thought that's what happened. They say it will ruin the moral values of our community. On that argument I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard.
Moral values?! The high school is so over run with pregnant teenagers or teenagers who have had babies they could install a daycare. I have yet to meet a couple from this area who are faithful to eachother, hell I would settle for one who atleast weren't abusive to each other. That seems to be standard issue around here. Not to mention the number of children who are married by the time they are 16. Morals? I think they need to start that at home maybe focusing on the real issues in this community. The city council actually have a good plan as to how they will use the tax from the sale of liquor by the drink to better this community. They want some sex awareness classes for the kids, spousal abuse programs, a battered women and children's shelter. OMG! They want to make the community better? Well we better nip that in the bud, damn it!
It is really sad for the children who are born and raised here. I love this little community, yes it has its good points. But the ones who are from here seem to think the world drops off at the state line and this is all there is. I'm thankful my kids know about the world out there and I encourage them to go get it. I just wish we could get that message out to those native here. I wish we could get the babbling idiots who are so gung ho to save the moral values of our little community to wake up and actually do some good around here.

April 18, 2005

Rules for shopping

Yesterday was a "mother - daughter" day. My daughter and I spent the day shopping with a friend of mine and her teenage daughter. For those of you who don't have teenage children or have children who are approaching their teenage years there are rules you must follow when shopping with a child in this age bracket.
1. First and foremost you must not speak to them or stand to closely looking in their direction while they are shopping. You must accept that you are not cool and being seen with them will only detract from their coolness. There are ways around this however. If you pretend to be browsing a rack of clothing close to them and not make direct eye contact you will be able to monitor what clothing they are picking up. But I repeat, do NOT make eye contact.
2. You must never express your like or dislike of a piece of clothing while they are in the store. This will do nothing more than horrify your child. Especially if it is something they like and you express a like in the item as well, you can guarantee the item will go directly back to the rack. If it is something you do not approve of they will try to buy it even if they don't like it. It is best not to speak during the choosing process.
3. Accept that they will take 50 items into the dressing room atleast 10 times and probably purchase one of the first items they try on. You must not comment on this it will only show your lack of coolness.
4. Before you enter the store for your shopping trip you must give the child a set limit on the amount of money they may spend. If you do not you may as well take out a loan and purchase the store.
5. Accept that they will only speak to you while in the store to ask for a higher limit than you have given them. It is acceptable to respond at this point. This will probably be the only time they speak to you.
6. If your answer to #5 is no, accept that their will be an argument. There are ways to avoid argument in the store.........

Argument Avoiding
1. Go directly to the intimates section of the store and grab the largest pair of "granny panties" you can find. Grab only 1 pair and go directly to the check out line. When it is your turn ask the cashier if they have lay-a-way and if you may put these underwear on lay-a-way. If they do not have this service explain to them that you are in dire need of underwear as all of the pairs you own have holes in them and you cant afford to purchase anymore because your ungrateful teenager has taken all of your money. When the cashier offers apologies and explains that she can not help you ask if she has any old pairs she may like to donate to your cause. Your teenager will be to horrified to argue with you any further.

There is also a proper way to exit the store that most people don't know. If allowed your teenager will turn this shopping trip into a week long event. You now have the option to maintain a long drawn out fight to leave the store which in turn is going to ruin your day. Or you may try my alternative methods.
1. Again, go to the intimate section and find a skimpy g-string. Place this pair of "underwear" on your head as an eye patch hooking the straps around your ears. Run to your child yelling "(child's name) Look what I found!!!"
2. Find the biggest ugliest hat in the store place it on your head and follow your child around staying no less than 3 paces behind them.
3. Lay down in the middle of the aisle faking exhaustion.
4. If you don't like the "extreme" methods you can always grab the same item of clothing your daughter has in your size and say you are planning to buy these so the two of you can be "twinkies".

My only hope is that you parents can take home with you as much enjoyment as I do from our shopping sprees :)

April 16, 2005


It's the weekend finally! I never thought it was going to get here, I thought I was never going to get a decent nights sleep. Fixed that last night though YEAH! We have a pretty busy schedule this weekend but I have to admit I am looking forward to it.
My son has another ball game this evening, I am so impressed with how well they are doing. This team is made up of 7 and 8 yr olds, some of whom have never played before. The first game they played they had only had 2 practices and never been able to practice with the batting machine. Needless to say they lost, badly. The score was 10 - 1. The second game they played they still had only practiced twice but the score was 16 - 15. Talk about improvement. This will be their third game stilling only having had 2 practices. We will see how it goes. Unfortunately all of the days that they had been assigned to practice on were rained out. They are due to practice again this Wednesday and guess what, it's supposed to rain. So I am suggesting they get together in my back yard Monday and practice. I have found that I am really enjoying working with these kids. Yes, that's kind of a shock because I figured it might give me a headache. But this group of kids is really wonderful. Yes, they are wild and full of energy but they really are sweet. At the end of our last game one of the little boys came up to me and said "That home run I hit was just for you." How sweet is that?! Little charmer, the girls are in trouble when he grows up. Not to mention, my son is thrilled we are participating like this. He walked up to me in the dug out at the last game, wrapped his little arms around me and gave me the biggest hug. IN FRONT OF THE OTHER KIDS!!! I almost passed out.
Here is the next shocker, hold on now this one might knock you over. My 16 yr old daughter came to me last night and asked me if I would help with the dance team at school. She wants me to be their sponsor. She asked this of me, willingly. I swear the child likes to knock me speechless. You could have knocked me over with just a shove. You know I said yes.

April 14, 2005

For the Girls

My mother sent me this list of quotes from women, thought they were funny and you might enjoy them too:

Inside every older lady is a younger lady, wondering what the hell happened.
-Cora Harvey Armstrong-

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies.

The hardest years in life are those between 10 and 70.
-Helen Hayes (at 73)-

I refuse to think of them as chin hairs. I think of them as stray eyebrows.
-Janette Barber-

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse.
-Lily Tomlin-

A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who has never owned a car.
-Carrie Snow-

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being, hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.
-Erma Bombeck-

Old age aint no place for sissies.
-Bette Davis-

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. A woman must do what he cant.
-Rhonda Hansome-

The phrase "working mother" is redundant.
-Jane Sellman-

Everytime I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.
-Jane Unlimited-

Thirty-five is when you finally start getting your head together and your body falls apart.
-Caryn Leschen-

I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once.
-Jennifer Unlimited-

If high heels were so wonderful men would still be wearing them.
-Sue Grafton-

I'm not going to vacuum until Sear's makes one you can ride on.
-Roseanne Barr-

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.
-Eleanor Roosevelt-

April 13, 2005

Letting Go

I remember the first time I held her in my arms. I was just a child myself and she was so little. All of these emotions I had never felt swirling through my head. Everyone told me life was over for me, this was the end of my dreams. Looking in her eyes all I could think was "No, it has just begun." She made me want more, made me want to be better, I was going to give her the world. I knew I would die for her, I would do anything to keep her safe, the ferocity of my emotions was overwhelming.
There I was, my chin up, armed with nothing but what I knew I wasn't going to do. No idea how to do it right but knowing how it wasn't supposed to be done. I had never felt love like this, never unconditional, undieing love. I was determined and focused, I had reason for the first time in my life.
I have done a good job by her, I wasn't always perfect and there were a lot of trial and error but I did well. Yes, I am getting sappy. You see, my baby girl, my first born is almost grown. I'm not quite settled with that. She turned 16 in January and there are only 2 more years until she heads out to college and on her own. I'm not really sure how all the time has passed so quickly, it doesn't seem possible that she could be that far in life already. I was telling my husband I just didn't know what I was going to do when she heads out to college. It occurred to me that I have never lived with another human being for as long as I have lived with her. How do I cut that tie and walk away? How to let go, I suppose is a common situation when you are a parent. But when you are in the situation it just doesn't feel like anyone else could possibly be experiencing this too. It's just to personal.
This whole post wasn't brought about because I am worried about what will happen in 2 more years. It was actually something much more simple than that. She drove.
Sounds silly, right? Yesterday we took our baby girl out in the car and she drove a stick shift for the first time. We taught her how to drive. She did so well, I was very surprised. She only stalled and jerked once, after that she had it. It was exciting and fun, we giggled and laughed, she squealed like she did when she was 5. I thought "God, how is this possible?!". But I wasn't emotional.
That came later. Sitting on the sofa watching TV, my son was in the bath and daughter in her room. Just hubby and I chilling out watching TV. It hit me, I wasn't even sure what it was at the time, I just felt the tears. Nothing I could do, they just kept coming. When I realized what the mass of confusion inside me was all about I couldn't help but cry more. She is growing up, a wonderful and sad thing. A double edged sword.

April 11, 2005

It takes a Child

It was the first warm day of the year, the weatherman predicted it was going to hit 80 degrees. Woman and child were driving down the road heading to the ball field. The windows down, bopping their heads as Bob Seger sang about why he cant drive 55. It would be the first game of the season and they were both looking forward to getting there. Coming to a stop at the light waiting for it to turn green she glanced at the vehicle next to her. A new F150 4 door, she has dreamed of owning one of those. Sighing, she said "Boy that sure would be nice." Her son, being so innocent looked up and said "I guess." The light turned green and they proceeded on their way to the ball field. Only a few moments had passed when the boy reached over and turned the radio down "Mom?"
"Yes?" she answered.
"Is it true that there are some people out there who cant afford a car at all?" he asked
"Well yes baby, that's true." She replied
"And some people cant buy food?" he asked
"Yes, unfortunately their are people who go hungry everyday in this world."
They were both quiet for the remainder of the ride. The radio still turned down she wondered what that was all about. When they reached the ball field she began to get her stuff out of the back seat and noticed he wasn't getting out of the car.
"Mom" he said. "I don't want us to get a new car."
"You don't?" was all she could say.
"No" he said. "If there are people who are hungry and cant have a car them I'm just happy we have food and a car that works. I think that's how I should be."
With that he got out of the car and ran, talking with his friends, to the ball field. She couldn't move, keys still in her hand, stuff in the backseat, door open. She was stunned. She only watched him and felt the tears roll down her face. He was right.
There was a time when she believed she would never own her own home, she didn't know how bills would get paid, it was a constant struggle. I own a home I love, on land I adore, with 2 amazing kids, a wonderful husband, my car runs, we have food and the bills are paid. I don't want more, I don't need more, I'm happy.
Sometimes it takes a child to show you that.

April 09, 2005

Trials and Tribulations of Baseball

Today is my sons first baseball game of the season. We heard from the coach last night around 4 that they were not going to be having practice yesterday (which was scheduled to be from 6-7, two hours notice grrr) and that we had our first game today. No biggie except the children have only had 2 practices and have yet to practice batting. I'm slightly irritated that nobody knows how to contact this coach to ask if we are having practice when the weather is questionable, and I don't like last minute notice on the games. Hell, they don't even have their uniforms. Yes, I realize that I am being a tad anal, it's my nature I cant help it. So I have decided that it is time to get some things organized. Last year we had some organizational issues with the league so we fixed that and things ran much smoother. My husband is yelling for me to tell you that "we" didn't fix anything, I did. Hmph
I figure when we get to the ball field today I can make a list of all the parents names with their children's names and the phone numbers. Obviously getting a contact number for the coach, if I don't smack him in the head first. But I will try to hold back the smack until after I get the phone number. Then we can make copies of the game schedule so none of the parents are given last minute information and we all know in advance when the games are. My thought is, this way none of us have to question whether their will be practice on a particular night because we can contact the coach and call the other parents. As well as knowing in advance when a game is going to be so we don't make plans for that day and have to cancel them because we found out the night before the game.
My husband is laughing at me.
OMG! He has called me a "soccer mom", I must get off of here and kill him now.

April 08, 2005

It has begun

Jerked from my slumber, I sat straight up in the bed. Listening to figure out what it was that woke me up. At first I didn't hear anything, then there it was. The sound of something solid being thrown into the wall outside of my bedroom, followed by things falling and the trampling of several feet running. I jerked open the bedroom door to find out just what the hell was going on. I was immediately assaulted by the furry feet scampering past me. Now they were in my room, which means I was to be the play toy of the moment. It's 3 am, I don't think so. As I go after them they scramble behind the bed, knowing I cant reach them there. So I lay on my stomach beside the bed sticking on arm behind the bed to grab one and pull it out. At this point I meet with sharp pointy claws swatting at me, damn their claws feel like razor blades. I loudly inform them I am not playing with them like that is going to do me any good. Do they care? Nope.
Hmmmm now it is time for some kitty reverse psychology. So I lay back down in the bed knowing they will come out to play. I don't have to wait long, I can hear them moving along the side of the bed. Rolling onto my side as quietly as possible I reach my hand down to grab one, only to have to duck as one goes sailing across my head. Just what I wanted to see at 3am, the underbelly of a kitten as it soars over my head. Diving across my bed to grab the UFK (unidentified flying kitty) only to find my arm making contact with the corner of the end table. My newest war wound.
Needless to say, I missed the kitten. They are thinking that I am now a participant in the kitty 200. They fly through the bathroom, leaping across the countertop, slamming into the wall, scatter across the bathmat turning it into more of a bath mat ball, back to the bedroom, fly across the bed (I actually got a foot on the head this time), knock over the light on the nightstand and fly out the bedroom door. As quickly as I can I slam the bedroom door shut only to hear something else fall to the floor in the other room.
I don't care. It after 3am, I just want sleep.
The baby kitten got her stitches out yesterday and the cone off of her head. I am guessing life as we know it has now returned to normal.

April 06, 2005

I'm Back

I know it has only been a couple of days but it feels like forever since I have made an entry. I really don't have to much of a reason aside from the weather having been so beautiful and my family and I have taken full advantage of it. I actually spent time sitting outside reading a book. Can you believe it?! It wasn't much time but it was time none the less.
My daughter did get an offer to travel to Germany as a foreign exchange student for a year. Kind of exciting, scary as hell but exciting. Of course the mom side of me is screaming "NO!!!!" She's my baby and I'm not ready to part with her in 2 years much less any time soon. Then there is the other side of me saying "Yes, but this would be a wonderful opportunity for her and would look great on a college transcript." Especially seen as her goals for colleges are set very high. So, I don't know yet, she isn't even sure she wants to do this. I figure I'm not going to worry to much about it until she comes to me and says this is something she definitely wants to do. OK, I'm going to try not to worry until that time comes.
All and all this has been a good week. We are getting ready to expand the garden area in front of the house. Austin and his dad are building another car for his boyscout race. Ashley is getting ready to go the the Opera this weekend. Nothing to interesting to anyone else I suppose but I'm just thankful things are well and we haven't had any major incidents.

April 03, 2005


OK lets face it, I'm a woman and will never truly understand the mental workings of a man but jeez can we make this a little easier please? Why is it that when you spend 2 hours picking out that perfect outfit, showering, shaving in all the right places, taking special care on your hair and make up the effort is un-noticed? But if I am sitting on the sofa in sweats and a t-shirt the second my husband walks in the door I'm flooded with "your beautiful"'s?
*Let me warn you, this post may contain a bit of TMI*
I know, you would figure after being together for 11 years I would have some sense of how that male mind works. I must admit, I am still clueless. My husband laughs and says there isn't much to figure out in the way of a male mind, he says "we're not that deep."
Now I know I must have done something right in that two hour preparation because as soon as we were out in public the stares from the male persuasion were constant. So I'm thinking ok, either I am looking pretty good today or I have a buggy hanging from my nose. Check the nose, no buggy. I look over to send one of those "I got something for you later" smiles at my husband and what does he say? "Oh yeah, I need to pick up deodorant too."
hmmm ok so he's not getting the hint. The low cut shirt didn't do it, the steady looks I'm sending his way didn't do it, the innuendos I am continuously dropping didn't do it. Well, IM not a quitter so I'm gonna give it one more try.
When we're leaving the store I mention it might be nice to hit the liquor store on the way home for later? "Sure" he says. Woooohoooo success, he gets it. I go in and grab a bottle of wine, getting in the car with a smile and find the smile to go wasted. Now he is reading his D&D book. All the way home he read that damn book, I might burn it.
We get home, straighten up the house, have dinner, all completely uneventful. As the night wears on I became frustrated figuring I will just give him the opportunity to make the move. I have dropped enough hints and I'm tired. Needless to say the bottle of wine is still in the fridge, unopened, and I went to bed at midnight when he decided to read more of that stupid book.
How can men not possibly get the hint? Must I rip off my clothes standing in the middle of the living room screaming "Take me you wild beast!". So help me God if he picked up his book to read it then I would burn the damn thing with him holding onto it.