April 03, 2005


OK lets face it, I'm a woman and will never truly understand the mental workings of a man but jeez can we make this a little easier please? Why is it that when you spend 2 hours picking out that perfect outfit, showering, shaving in all the right places, taking special care on your hair and make up the effort is un-noticed? But if I am sitting on the sofa in sweats and a t-shirt the second my husband walks in the door I'm flooded with "your beautiful"'s?
*Let me warn you, this post may contain a bit of TMI*
I know, you would figure after being together for 11 years I would have some sense of how that male mind works. I must admit, I am still clueless. My husband laughs and says there isn't much to figure out in the way of a male mind, he says "we're not that deep."
Now I know I must have done something right in that two hour preparation because as soon as we were out in public the stares from the male persuasion were constant. So I'm thinking ok, either I am looking pretty good today or I have a buggy hanging from my nose. Check the nose, no buggy. I look over to send one of those "I got something for you later" smiles at my husband and what does he say? "Oh yeah, I need to pick up deodorant too."
hmmm ok so he's not getting the hint. The low cut shirt didn't do it, the steady looks I'm sending his way didn't do it, the innuendos I am continuously dropping didn't do it. Well, IM not a quitter so I'm gonna give it one more try.
When we're leaving the store I mention it might be nice to hit the liquor store on the way home for later? "Sure" he says. Woooohoooo success, he gets it. I go in and grab a bottle of wine, getting in the car with a smile and find the smile to go wasted. Now he is reading his D&D book. All the way home he read that damn book, I might burn it.
We get home, straighten up the house, have dinner, all completely uneventful. As the night wears on I became frustrated figuring I will just give him the opportunity to make the move. I have dropped enough hints and I'm tired. Needless to say the bottle of wine is still in the fridge, unopened, and I went to bed at midnight when he decided to read more of that stupid book.
How can men not possibly get the hint? Must I rip off my clothes standing in the middle of the living room screaming "Take me you wild beast!". So help me God if he picked up his book to read it then I would burn the damn thing with him holding onto it.

1 comment:

Justice said...

" Must I rip off my clothes standing in the middle of the living room screaming "Take me you wild beast!". "

Just a guess... but I'm thinking that would have worked.. lol