April 09, 2005

Trials and Tribulations of Baseball

Today is my sons first baseball game of the season. We heard from the coach last night around 4 that they were not going to be having practice yesterday (which was scheduled to be from 6-7, two hours notice grrr) and that we had our first game today. No biggie except the children have only had 2 practices and have yet to practice batting. I'm slightly irritated that nobody knows how to contact this coach to ask if we are having practice when the weather is questionable, and I don't like last minute notice on the games. Hell, they don't even have their uniforms. Yes, I realize that I am being a tad anal, it's my nature I cant help it. So I have decided that it is time to get some things organized. Last year we had some organizational issues with the league so we fixed that and things ran much smoother. My husband is yelling for me to tell you that "we" didn't fix anything, I did. Hmph
I figure when we get to the ball field today I can make a list of all the parents names with their children's names and the phone numbers. Obviously getting a contact number for the coach, if I don't smack him in the head first. But I will try to hold back the smack until after I get the phone number. Then we can make copies of the game schedule so none of the parents are given last minute information and we all know in advance when the games are. My thought is, this way none of us have to question whether their will be practice on a particular night because we can contact the coach and call the other parents. As well as knowing in advance when a game is going to be so we don't make plans for that day and have to cancel them because we found out the night before the game.
My husband is laughing at me.
OMG! He has called me a "soccer mom", I must get off of here and kill him now.


Justice said...

LOL!!! Does he yet live?

Ravyn said...

Yes, he still breathes. But i want it known that it is only because he is bigger than me and can pin me down and tickle me until i cant breathe. Bastard

Anonymous said...

If only soccer had been involved. LOL Too funny.

Is the list done?

Ravyn said...

hehehe yes i have finsihed the list and dont you know the coach was grateful that i did that because he had been giving the ball field the kids names and had no clue how they were spelled. SO their trophies would have been all screwed up. You know i had to point that out to my husband LOL