May 01, 2005

No Show

Well I'm sure most of you are under the impression that I have been very busy with my father-in-law visiting and that's why I haven't been able to post. I must tell you that my house was finished on time and the walls ROCK! After busting my ass all week and rushing around Thursday finishing up we got a phone call around 8:30 pm. My father-in-law was not coming, he had hurt his neck and didn't want to drive. So there I stood, dripping sponge in hand, hair disheveled, panting, sweating, looking like a recently whipped slave. I couldn't decide whether I was irritated or not. I had just about killed myself getting this done and now he wasn't coming?! On the other hand, I know myself and had I not had that push to do it my walls would probably still be half painted. What a horrible way to be left standing, when everything in you wants to be irritable but you cant because you know you wouldn't have done it other wise. So now, I am the house Nazi! My children think I have lost it hehehe. I figure we are expecting visitors from out of town every weekend this month and I refuse to kill myself like that again. They set something down, I scream "Pick that up!". They get something to eat, I scream "Clean that up!". They walk in the door with muddy feet, I scream "Get the mop!". They think I am being completely unreasonable and I am taking a perverse pleasure in irritating the piss out of them.

1 comment:

Justice said...

I have come to believe that, no matter what, they are going to believe we are their personal tormentors until the day comes when parenthood smacks some common sense into them!