September 21, 2005

Doing it all over again

I have been slightly preoccupied lately. Saturday night D and I had a HUGE argument and I was completely irrational, his fault of course. My husband knowing the rule, you cant argue with crazy, realized that he was going to have to catch me off guard in order to get me to hear what he had to say. So he left the room for a moment allowing me time to catch my breath and shut my mouth. When he returned he brought his wallet with him. He pulled out a paper and handed it to me. When I looked at it I was confused. He said "It was supposed to be a surprise but I'm going to tell you. I had talked to some of our friends and asked them to assist me in preparations because I wanted to know if you would marry me again. What you are holding is the beginning of the vows I have written."
OK, yes, I felt like an ASS! Needless to say we made up and come to find out it was all just a huge misunderstanding. We were talking about two completely different things and didn't realize it. I wouldn't let him tell me about the rest of his plans explaining to him that it wasn't necessary to completely ruin the surprise. He wants us to get handfasted having the ceremony we didn't have the first time around. He told me to think about my dress and make it. (I make period clothing and have done some wedding dresses as well) I am really excited about all of this.
You see, all those years ago when we got married there was no ceremony. It was quite comical to be honest. We had moved 1000 miles away from my family to where his family was. Originally we were planning a wedding but we had a falling out with his family and the whole thing had become such a hassle that we decided to elope. The day we did it, we drove to Louisiana and found a justice of the peace. In all our excitement to make our relationship legal we forgot you have to have witnesses. My husband ran across the street to a little gas station and talked the manager and assistant manager to come sign as witnesses. I remember laughing so hard. Before he had finally decided to go to the gas station to get witnesses he was walking down the sidewalk asking anyone he came upon if he could get their help. It was a memorable experience, not very romantic, but definitely a story we giggle about today.
As you can probably guess, I am bubbling with excitement to have that ceremony with him. Having given it some thought I have devised a little surprise of my own. He wants to have a traditional Celtic handfasting. Since I am making our clothing for the event I thought it would be neat to do something special with that. My husbands genealogy has been traced all the way back to the first king of Northern Ireland. I thought in making his clothing I would use his family tartan and on my wedding cloak I am going to embroider his family crest. I just thought it would be cool to give him a little surprise too. I have plenty of time, this wont be something that happens until next year so I can really put some detail into it. .
It is a wonderful feeling knowing that if I could do it all over again I would and so would he. Now we are taking that opportunity and I couldn't be happier.


Patty said...

awww, that sounds so romantic. I love handfastings. I had to giggle at your post when you were talking about your hubby trying to find a witness.Somehow Andy and Barney came to mind from the old Mayberry show. I could just see them saying "why of course I would be proud to witness you and the little miss getting hitched" *giggle*. Making your own clothes for the handfasting sounds great, Keep us informed as to how it is going.

Anonymous said...

We did a handfasting for our ceremony and included aspects of traditional religion for my wife's more traditional family members, Celtic aspects and Native American ones as well. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

that's a cooll story, both of them. if you can keep a secret i will tell you something...i have been writing a book of 365 poems for my gf. she doesn't know it. it's going to be one for each day. and when she gets really mad at me from time to time i want to bring it out and show it to her but i want to keep it for the right moment.
best of luck with your new plans!!

Ravyn said...

Thank you all for your wonderful comments!
Autumn - yes it was a bit like Andy and Barney LOL. I will have to post pics as i am working on the clothing and keep you updated.
Sandman - Thank you! I may very well take you up on that offer.
Anon - What a sweet idea! Keep ahold of that until your finished and then give it to her.