March 16, 2006

Just say no

I do believe that I have figured it out. You see, originally I believed that my children were trying to kill me. Wanting to travel to far off lands and do crazy things like go to college causing their mother to suffer undue heart failure. I no longer think it is an attempt to cause my death, I believe the problem to be drugs. My daughter must be doing them, for this she is grounded. In order to understand where I am coming from you need to know the conversation that occurred a couple of days ago...

my daughter: "How does it feel to have a child getting ready to graduate? Are you feeling old yet?"
me: "Actually it feels really good, I'm so proud of you."
my daughter: "You know, the girls and I have been talking and I think I have my summer planned. I am going to be so busy!"
me: "Yes you are. You have college to get ready and go off to, plus the trip to Greece and going home to visit your grandparents."
my daughter: "Oh yeah, I forgot about visiting Grandma and Grandaddy."
me: "What did you think you were going to do?"
my drugged out child: "Well the trip to Greece plus the girls and I are going to Florida for a week and we would like to try and go to Costa Rica for a week as our Senior Trip."
me: "Your grounded."
druggy: "I am not! For what?"
me: "I told you not to do drugs."
druggy: "I'm not doing drugs. Mom, I will be 18 I can go if I want to."
me: "that's exactly why your not going, because you think 18 is grown and it's not. Hell, you will be lucky if your little butt makes it to the stop sign."
druggy (laughing): "You cant stop me from going mom."
me (laughing): "Keep thinking that. I think you should discuss this with your dad."

When her father returned home from work she did discuss it with him and that turned into the funniest conversation I have ever heard. My daughter is officially mortified because she realized just how serious her dad was. He informed her she was welcome to go to Florida, that we would have a great time. Of course, she said we weren't invited. SO he quickly pointed out how he makes a lot more money than she does and has vacation time, he can go where he wants to. He then added that it would probably be a lot more fun for all if he looked into getting one of those thong bathing suits for himself. Her response to this? "You wouldn't?!" He just smiled and said "Try me."
I love that man.

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