July 08, 2005

Fear will make you crazy

My heart broke for the people of London and anyone who has a loved one there. What a horrible, horrible tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I remember the fear of not being able to reach my cousin on 9/11. We didn't know if he was at the pentagon when the plane hit and it took forever to find out he was ok. I hate that anyone has to feel that kind of fear and terror.
Even though London is so far away from this little Mayberry town it had an effect. I was sad, afraid and angry for them. I started wondering if this was only the beginning of something bigger. Fear is such a crazy thing, especially in me who happens to be slightly psychotic at times. Less than 12 hours after hearing of London someone decided to drop off a bomb at our local grocery store. Here, in nowhere middle America, little as Mayberry. That was it, I was done. The children were being home schooled, never leaving my site again. They are supposed to go to their grandparents tomorrow for a week. I had convinced myself that even that wasn't safe. How could I protect them if I'm not close to them? They would be flying on a plane!!! We already know they aren't safe there! I had all kinds of crazy in my head.
My husband, bless him, tried rationalizing with me. Doesn't he know you cant rationalize with crazy? He was saying "Seriously baby, what are the chances that anything will happen to them? They are going to be fine." My response to this was "Well, lets think about this. If there is only a 1% chance of something bad happening and your kid is in that 1% do you really care that the odds were so low? If your the 1% does it really matter?" See, told ya, cant argue with crazy.
I have calmed down some and yes, my kids are going to their grandparents. I'm still scared shitless but I'm fighting off the crazy. I cant guarantee that there wont be more psychotic style posts but hey, I have to get it out somewhere.

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