July 06, 2005

When is enough enough?

I'm sure most of you have seen the news and reports regarding this .
I sit here once again wondering at what point will it stop? When is enough enough? The man that took this little girl had molested atleast 2 other times and was still loose. Why did this little girl have to go through this? I'm sure the man who took her had his own fucked up reasons but the only reason that comes to my mind is because our judicial system, once again, has failed the children of this country.
It has been proven over and over again that pedophiles can not be rehabilitated. This is not personal opinion, it is scientific fact. Yet we continuously release them to prey apon the most innocent and vulnerable of our society. This particular man had already spent over a decade in jail for molesting one child and was out on bail for molesting a second when he snatched the little girl. Can someone please tell me what the hell was that judge smoking?! How did he get bail??!!
I hate to sound completely redneck and say just shoot them all but, you know, that's the thought I'm having. I mean, lets think about this.....He spent a decade in jail for the first child he was caught molesting. A decade, I will put money that the child spent more than a decade paying for that crime. I bet the child is having issues in his life to this day because of that crime and the man served a decade. How long do you think this little girl is going to pay for his crime? What effect do you think this will have on her future?
At what point will this society stop giving chances to pedophiles? When will we take our childrens rights more seriously than the rights of those who prey on them? Everytime we hear these stories people are horrified and angry but shouldn't we expect this? Until something changes and the laws are made to protect our children this is going to happen again and again. It has happened again and again. The next could be my child, your child or the child of your best friend.
When is enough enough?

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