November 10, 2005

Your opinion

He had only been in his new town for 4 months. Having moved to a small country town half way across the country from the big city he had grown up in. A new high school, no friends, he strived for acceptance. Not being exactly what the current "in" crowd considered cool he wasn't readily accepted. He finally met a boy who was from that small town whom he called a friend. It was the only one he had successfully made. He and this boy hung out every day.
One afternoon, on the school bus is when it all began. He and his new friend were teasing a couple of other children. He began pawing through another child's backpack. The child told him to stop and regained possession of their backpack. A verbal confrontation occurred which turned into a mild physical one. There were 5 children involved in addition to the boy and his new found friend. Some children got grabbed when they got up to move away. Some where grabbed on the leg, some on the arm and one on the groin. The details are unclear.
Parents found out and became greatly concerned. Reports were filed with the Sheriff and Child Protective Services were called in. The accusation is one of a sexual predator due to a child being grabbed in the groin.
Was it a sexual attack or a case of bullying? Is the child a sexual predator? Does he deservingly need to carry the title of sexual offender for the rest of his life? Did he intentionally grab the child's groin or did his hand miss the mark as the child stood to move?
The boy is 16, tell me what you think.


Patty said...

If I had to make a judgement on what you told us. I would say it was a case of bullying. If the boys had been sitting on the bus and one reached over and grabbed the others crotch, then I might say sexual. I think this was anger.
Just my two cents worth

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info
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