November 16, 2005

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Preparing for school this morning my (now 8 yr old) son and I had an interesting conversation. As I am getting his coat out of the closet and holding it open for him to put on.
My son: "I hate this coat."

Me: "What do you mean you hate this coat?"
My son: "I hate this coat."
Me: "This is your big winter coat, it keeps you warm."
My son: "I hate it."
Me: "How can you hate this coat? You picked it out."
My son: "that's when I was little, I hate it now."
Me: "It wasn't even a full year ago!"
My son: "I'm 8 now. I don't like it anymore."
Me: "Well, just what is it you hate about it?"
I didn't get an answer to that question, he just walked out the door to catch the bus. Wearing a scowl because he is grown now at the ripe old age of 8.

*This post was supposed to be made 3 days ago but blogger is being pissy with me. Sorry for the delay :)

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