February 18, 2006


It has been 12 years since the first time I laid eyes on my husband. He was amazing, still is. But this post isn't so much about him but the effects of him. When I met him I was in my early twenties (showing my age now), a single mother or 2 little girls and worked 14 hour days to make ends meet. It was hard but it was ok, I was making my way for my girls and proud of that. I was an intelligent, strong, independent woman.
My husband went out of town this past week for work. He was only gone for a total of 5 days, 4 nights. I knew I was going to miss him what I didn't know is that I would become completely incompetent. I didn't want to do anything, not clean the house, not cook; hell I didn't even want to put on decent clothing. I have been transformed from a strong, independent women to a sniffling, winy sissy. I sulked! For a week! He thinks this is funny, says he missed the hell out of me too. Hmph
I am not happy about this. You would figure I would have slept very well with him gone. No snoring to listen too, nobody rolling over and squishing me. But nope, my body has become addicted to snores and squishing. It cant sleep more than and hour or two at a time without the earth shattering sound of snores.
Bastard, not only do I love him with everything in me apparently I'm addicted to him too.


Patty said...

awww that is sweet..

Haddock said...

Sounds like you have truely found your soul partner :)

npanth said...

neat post, I like it alot