May 01, 2006

Riding the wave of conspiracy

Well, it seems I have survived the weekend. My body is sore and exhausted but apparently I am still breathing. Not only has my family conspired to see how much I can take before needing a permanent supply of lithium but, apparently, so has society. Who came up with the idea of prom anyway? What idiot, hater of parents decided this was a good thing? What happened to curfew? I think if this is going to be allowed then parents should be able to have a good amount of drugs stocked for the occasion, supplied of course by the individual school district. They can make it like a candy store, come in and pick out your pleasure. For me, I will take whatever will make me drool on myself and drift into wonderland for atleast 24 hours. Is this really so much to ask? Saturday was prom, my baby girl came walking out of her bedroom looking more beautiful than should be allowed. She got into a vehicle with several other teens and headed out for a night at a hotel which was followed by an after party until 5am. Have you any idea how many grey hairs that formed on my head? Then, my son got an invite to stay the night at his friends house. It was the child's birthday and his mother wanted him to be able to have a sleep over. They are ripping the children straight from my womb! Not only is my little girl at prom but I now don't even have my baby boy to cling to. About 15 minutes after all of my children were torn from my bosom I let the dogs inside. Had to keep them out while my daughter was in her dress, if they jumped on her I feared for their little lives. I let them in and watched the puppy run through the house whining and crying. Curious as to what is wrong with her I went after her. When I picked her up I noticed her little face was slightly swollen. In the 2 minutes of holding her I watched as her face continued to swell to the point that her eyes were swollen shut and her nose was huge. She reminded me of Will Smith in the movie Hitch. This is the point where I lost it. My children have left me and my dog is dyeing. I call the vet certain that my dog is dyeing he tells me to give her benadryl. I had to administer medicine to her every 3 hours, all through the night. Not like I was sleeping anyway. Finally yesterday around 7 pm all of the hives disappeared and she is happy once again. My daughter and son had a blast the puppy is finally well again. Me on the other hand, I am exhausted, in dire need of a shower and missing patches of hair I'm sure (probably the patches that weren't already gray). I'm going to bed today.


Justice said...

I firmly support the idea that the only required prescription for psych meds ought to be a birth certificate - with your name listed as either "Mother" or "Father." I also firmly believe that everybody has long caught on that kids make a parent CRAZY, and the only reason the birth certificate/prescription idea hasn't become our reality is because every generation wants the next to experience exactly what it put the previous one through.

Proof? "One day you will have a child who acts just like you."

Justice said...

Happy Mother's Day!