March 29, 2005

Fur babies

All the members of my household are back home safe. Our little kitten survived her ordeal and has returned home healthy. She has only a couple extra things she didn't leave home with. Stitches and a plastic cone. This cone completely irritates the piss out of her. She knows she is supposed to wear it so when we are around she just looks at us with sad eyes pleading for its removal. But I know better than that, she is not all sugar and spice. I caught her last night, when she thought we were in bed and paying no attention. I heard little fur feet in the bathroom, silently I crept into the hall and peered around the corner. There they were, the two of them. Her brother watched at first as she tried to hook her paws under the cone and push it off her neck. She tried to hook it on the door and roll on her belly forcing it off. Then they tag-teamed. Her brother would bite the edge of the cone and pull as she pushed with her paws. I figured now was as good a time as any to announce my arrival.
"What are you doing?" I asked. They both jumped and looked at me. My little girl fur baby looks up assuming her all innocent look and gives me the most pitiful meow you ever heard. OK, so I caved. I took the cone off for a little while. No, I did not leave them alone for her to tear out her stitches again. I stayed up, sitting on the sofa with her resting peacefully on my lap, no cone. Somewhere in the middle of the night I got up, replaced her cone and headed to bed. I know, I'm a sucker but she was so pitiful.


Justice said...

Awww.... I think that is cool. You are a good fur baby Mama!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and was touched by your posts about your furbaby. Hope you ripped that first vet's ass at least as badly as your kitty ripped her tummy.

Sounds like your intervention worked and she's going to be fine.

Ravyn said...

Thank you for your support. And yes, after the first vet spoke with me on the phone im sure he walked away from that conversation regreting it. Or atleast thinking i may need medication LOL