I am a firm believer that we all have some form of psychosis. We all have voices in our heads that argue with us, yes you do. I have a few forms, one of which is my communication with my animals. No i dont need therapy and if you send a shrink i will deny it! They do understand me, i dont care what you say. Point 1: When i say "Oden(head cat of the house). what do you want?" he leads me to what he wants be it food or the backdoor. When i say "Stop doing that." He stops. When i say "Didnt i just tell you not to do that? Why did you do that?" He kindly looks at me at replies "Because i am a cat and that is what cats do. Stupid Human."
So there i was; finishing up the dining room with a good floor sweeping. slaughtering Alicia Keys rendition of "Karma". When out of nowhere there is a white streak of fur. Before i can scream "NO!!!" the ball of fur pounces into the pile of dirt i have already swept together and is gone in a flash. Now my question here is...who is the stupid one, huh cat? Yes the streak of fur was to fast to identify by face BUT......I only have 1 white cat, Annubis. The search begins, and it is a search because he knows i am looking for him. I seak the usual hiding places; under the bed, on the fridge, behind the sofa. Hmmm little ass has found a new spot. I give up my search and finish my sweeping as well as singing, i dont care if he doesnt like it.
Hearing a sound come from my bedroom that resembles something out of a horror movie i immediatly go check it out. What do i find? Annubis! He has gotten himself stuck in the closet. It appears as though he was attempting to walk along the tops of the coat hangers (a trick of his sisters who is much more agile than he) and slipped. So there he hung half on hubby's suit coat and half stuck on the bottom portion of the coat hanger.
This, my friends, is an example of what we like to call Instant Karma. No i did not ask Annubis why he chose to attack my housecleaning even though he knows he is not supposed to. I already know the answer, he will just call me names too. In this istance it was not the human who was stupid!
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