March 06, 2005

Good Morning

First and foremost let me take this moment to thank Justice for an amazing job! She is solely responsible for creating this site. She is absolutely talented and were it not for her this wouldn't exist as I am computer illiterate. I consider it a great success on the days the computer turns on and allows me to type without any complications.
This was supposed to be a day for sleeping in and relaxation. As you can see it isn't even 8am yet. Not really sure why I'm awake, I think I was excited to see the site finished and just couldn't convince myself not to get up and check it. I happen to be a rambler so you may see a bit of that here. Some of you may be following me from my old blog and you already are familiar with the characters in my "story". But for those of you who are new I will try and make it easy for you. There are several people I will talk about here so I will try and give you a brief explanation as to what role they play in my life.

D is my wonderful husband. An absolutely amazing man who knows my faults and loves me anyway, puts up with my craziness and still treats me like a queen.

Ash is my teenage daughter who never ceases to amaze me. She is incredibly intelligent and absolutely beautiful, unfortunately she got her mother's smart ass mouth. Trust me, it is difficult having a child going through their teenage years who happens to be scary smart, they have all kinds of rationale for why they do the things they do. Not to mention beautiful UGH! It would be much easier if she was ugly.

Erica is my baby girl who passed away 5 yrs ago, she was 8. An incredible light that touched all she came in contact with. Truly a soul who was just on a higher level than the rest of us.

Austin is my extraordinary 7 yr old son. He can always put a smile on my face. Funny, smart, energetic, beautiful, he gives me the opportunity to look at things with the simplicity of a child. He is a very busy little boy who tackles the world every day with renewed enthusiasm and his fathers optimism.

that's the family with exception to the 4 cats and 1 dog. Yes, there are more animals than humans in my house. On one hand I prefer animals to humans for the most part but on the other it is like having a houseful of toddlers. Exhausting. There are several other amazing people in my life whom I will introduce to you along the way but that's a start. With the basics you should be able to follow along with my ramblings and craziness.

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