February 14, 2006


Well its Valentines Day and wouldn't you know the damn company my husband works for sent him out of town yesterday? They have been trying to ruin our Valentines Day for years, bastards. I got my revenge though :)
When my husband arrived in his destination (far far far away from Mayberry) last night he called. This is when I found out that his flight had been fine, but this is all that had been fine. The company had made arrangements for him to have a rental car and set him up in a hotel room. The rental car was nice, even has a GPS phone to give him directions for wherever he needs to go. The room is really nice, its not a room but a suite. Only problem is the only thing that was already paid for were his airplane tickets. The car had been reserved as well as the suite but he had to pay for it all. Now isn't that just a kick in the pants?! You know, I have always said my husband is the calm to my storm. He is the only thing that keeps this tornado from swirling. Well, he's not here. So I had the wonderful opportunity to call his HR manager and give him a piece of my mind this morning. You see, we wouldn't have minded all of this except we were told it was all paid for so we hadn't arranged to have that kind of money available. Hell, if we knew we were paying for it up front he surely wouldn't be paying that kind of price for a damn room. Those people must be smoking crack. Needless to say, I am supposed to go pick up a check from his work this afternoon to cover the cost of the hotel room and car that he already dished out. Good thing too, my kids have grown slightly fond of luxuries like...Food, electricity; that kind of thing.
On another note I did wake up to something very sweet. The realization that my daughter does love me or at least subconsciously recognizes that I am not the devil sent here to ruin her life. There were roses on the dining room table for me...From her. She really can be sweet when she wants to. Either that or she is planning to screw up really big while her father is out of town and she is hoping the roses will soften me up some since he isn't here to stop me from killing the child. I am choosing to believe it is the former. We shall see :)
Happy Valentine's Day!


Justice said...

Aww... roses from the baby. How sweet!

Patty said...

The roses were sweet. Kids never fail to surprise us..I think that is what causes gray hair. Ha Ha. Sorry you had to spend the day away from the hubby, maybe you can plan a quiet night alone when he gets home.