August 20, 2005

The cat is out of the bag

OK, it is official. I am officially the crazy lady of my little Mayberry. I have no one to blame but myself, I have done this. I am not sure if it is necessarily a good thing or a bad thing, only time will tell. Let me regress a moment and tell you how it happened.
You see, the craziness wasn't instant, it had to be built up. It didn't just come on all of a sudden like some asthma attack. It was a gradual procession to crazy. First I had to do one of the many dreaded chores of parenthood, school clothes shopping. Normally I would do this during the week when there aren't so many people there. But as my husband would have to work late everyday this week and both days this weekend my only option was today. Off I went, to battle the traffic and people of the mall. We successfully lived through the ordeal with only a small kink which was promising my son if we left at that very moment we could stop at Walmart and get the spongebob shirt he had seen and wanted. OK, let me explain, I hate Walmart. So what exactly I was thinking to use that as a bribe on a Saturday at the end of the first week of school, I'm not sure. My mind was still in a daze from the whole mall experience, it's the only explanation I can come up with.
Walmart here we come! It went fairly smooth, well as smooth as Walmart can be on a Saturday afternoon at the end of the first week of school. Until the moment I announced my crazy. We had gotten the Spongebob shirt and I remembered we were almost out of vitamins. Since we were already at a store I figured we would just go ahead and pick some up. As we were walking to the vitamins a man was standing at the end of an aisle waiting for us to pass so he could turn. As we got just in front of him he decided to share his thoughts on my ass in the form of a "Mmmhmmm (insert male neanderthal grunt here)".
Now under normal circumstances that would have irritated me but I probably would have let it pass. But he did this in front of my son! He was not discreet in any way, was not quiet. Hell, we weren't even a good distance in front of him when he did it, we were less than 5 feet from him. OMG, I was pissed! My sister happened to be at the store with us but was looking in another section at the time of the "incident". I stopped abruptly and looked down to my son and asked him to go and see his aunt. When he did I spun around and got right up in that idiots face and told him exactly how I felt about his sharing. I will spare you the conversational details as there is no need to incriminate myself in writing. But I assure you he got the point as did anyone within the store, I am sure. So that's it, Mayberry knows. It's no secret anymore, they believe me to be slightly off. I will let you know when I have decided as to whether that is a good thing or not. For now, I really don't care.


Justice said...

Oh man, you musta been at dat dare one WalMarket over by dat dare one place where Berta Sue's Uncle Dad spends time in the pill isle searching for dat dare penis-enlarger stuff. You know Berta Sue's sister-cousin swears dat stuff works?!

Anyways. You know you ought not be dare without yo' man. Sheeit, you might as well be avertisin' yo' wares, girl.

Ravyn said...

ROFLMAO yep your prolly right!