August 28, 2005


I received a very sad phone call yesterday. The headline on our local paper announced the death of a little boy, he was only three. J was the little brother of two of my players on our baseball team last year. There are some kids who just reach out and touch your heart immediately, he was one. J was born severely deformed. He didn't have proper use of his hands as the wrist was turned inwards and he had some deformities on his face. As with most handicapped children these deformities never got in his way. He was just like any little brother, he wanted to do whatever his older siblings did. Before the games his dad would help him play catch with some of the other kids. When we would go to the batting cage we all helped J have a turn hitting the ball. I will never forget that giggle as he would say "Did you see that?".
The ladies were always in trouble when J was around. He was such a flirt! He would pick out 2 different ladies every game and alternate sitting with them. He would smile and share his candy. He would yell for the team with the rest of us and giggle as the kids ran the bases. J was such a sweet and loving little boy. He had been through many surgeries to attempt to correct some of the deformities as well as for his little heart. He only had one more surgery to go, that's the one he didn't make it through.
I know what his family is going through and my heart breaks for them. If you have a moment during the day and you don't mind say a little something for his family. I only hope they can pull through this tragedy and find some since of peace through all of this. My thoughts are with them.

August 25, 2005

The Ride

It seems like it was another lifetime ago. Like so much time has passed that it couldn't possibly have happened this time around. But it did. Hubby and I were laying in bed discussing teenagers and Superman Syndrome (SS) last night. You know what I'm talking about, the "it wont ever happen to me". In that conversation I was reminded of a time that I myself was inflicted with this particular disorder.
I was about 16, cute as a button but didn't know it. A very rebellious kid for so many reasons I wont even go into now. At that point in my life I lived about 15 minutes from Washington DC. It may be the capital but it is not a very safe place to hang out. Whenever I needed to go somewhere I would hitchhike. Of course, I didn't have any clue as to how stupid that would be. I thought I could handle my own, proving my own infliction with SS. I remember one particular night I had been at my boyfriends house. It was getting late, somewhere around 10 or so and I needed to head home. My boyfriend walked with me for awhile but he lived about 30 minutes away by car so he couldn't go the entire way. Anytime a car would come by I would stick my thumb out trying to catch a ride. We walked for awhile before anyone finally stopped. When a car did stop I told the boyfriend bye and hopped in. I remember it was an older man, probably in his 50's. I didn't think much of it at first but I began to get uncomfortable pretty early in the ride. I thought it was odd that he wasn't speaking to me. After about 15 minutes of silence I told him to pull over that I could walk from there. He looked at me for a long minute and said no. I started to get kinda scared then he started to talk. He told me he had 2 girls that probably weren't much older than I was and if he ever caught them out hitchhiking he would beat them until they couldn't sit. He asked me if I had any idea how dangerous what I was doing was. At that point I didn't have much to say. To be honest, I was pretty shocked. Nobody had ever given me a hard time about giving me a ride before. He read me the riot act all the way home. When we arrived at my house he wouldn't unlock the door until I finished listening to what he had to say. He told me that he had never picked up a hitchhiker before and he hadn't planned on picking up another. The only reason he stopped to give me a ride was so nobody else would. I remember he said that I might not have enough care for my life to just put it at risk but he did, a perfect stranger.
Now I wasn't a stupid kid, or sheltered by any means. My parents were considered upper class but money doesn't mean love nor does it mean you know how to be a parent. So I knew there was a possibility of danger, I just didn't give it much thought. For some reason when this stranger said these things to me it made me think. That was the last time I ever stuck my thumb out for a ride.
I never saw him again, never knew his name. He made a difference in my life and didn't even know it.

August 23, 2005

Supreme Court Ruling

As I was getting the children ready for school this morning I was watching the Today Show. They did a piece on a supreme court ruling that I haven't heard about anywhere else. It was saying that the supreme court has ruled in favor of a law holding stores liable and able to be sued in drunk driving cases if they sell gas to customers who are intoxicated. I have been thinking about this quite a bit and am really confused as to how that will work. I mean, I get the idea and think where they are trying to take this is a good idea, I'm just not really sure how realistic that is.
I don't know about you but the majority of the time that I go to the gas station I don't even go inside. I normally pay at the pump unless I happen to need something from the store. How is that going to work? If the person pays at the pump the cashier never had face to face contact and probably wasn't even aware they had been drinking. Are we going to have breathalizers at the pump now? I think the idea is good and we need to do everything we can to get people to stop drinking and driving but I just don't see how this will be effective. Could you imagine being sued as liable for someone you never saw?
Has anyone else heard of this? Perhaps there is more to it than what they reviewed on the Today Show. What do you think?

August 20, 2005

The cat is out of the bag

OK, it is official. I am officially the crazy lady of my little Mayberry. I have no one to blame but myself, I have done this. I am not sure if it is necessarily a good thing or a bad thing, only time will tell. Let me regress a moment and tell you how it happened.
You see, the craziness wasn't instant, it had to be built up. It didn't just come on all of a sudden like some asthma attack. It was a gradual procession to crazy. First I had to do one of the many dreaded chores of parenthood, school clothes shopping. Normally I would do this during the week when there aren't so many people there. But as my husband would have to work late everyday this week and both days this weekend my only option was today. Off I went, to battle the traffic and people of the mall. We successfully lived through the ordeal with only a small kink which was promising my son if we left at that very moment we could stop at Walmart and get the spongebob shirt he had seen and wanted. OK, let me explain, I hate Walmart. So what exactly I was thinking to use that as a bribe on a Saturday at the end of the first week of school, I'm not sure. My mind was still in a daze from the whole mall experience, it's the only explanation I can come up with.
Walmart here we come! It went fairly smooth, well as smooth as Walmart can be on a Saturday afternoon at the end of the first week of school. Until the moment I announced my crazy. We had gotten the Spongebob shirt and I remembered we were almost out of vitamins. Since we were already at a store I figured we would just go ahead and pick some up. As we were walking to the vitamins a man was standing at the end of an aisle waiting for us to pass so he could turn. As we got just in front of him he decided to share his thoughts on my ass in the form of a "Mmmhmmm (insert male neanderthal grunt here)".
Now under normal circumstances that would have irritated me but I probably would have let it pass. But he did this in front of my son! He was not discreet in any way, was not quiet. Hell, we weren't even a good distance in front of him when he did it, we were less than 5 feet from him. OMG, I was pissed! My sister happened to be at the store with us but was looking in another section at the time of the "incident". I stopped abruptly and looked down to my son and asked him to go and see his aunt. When he did I spun around and got right up in that idiots face and told him exactly how I felt about his sharing. I will spare you the conversational details as there is no need to incriminate myself in writing. But I assure you he got the point as did anyone within the store, I am sure. So that's it, Mayberry knows. It's no secret anymore, they believe me to be slightly off. I will let you know when I have decided as to whether that is a good thing or not. For now, I really don't care.

August 16, 2005

My First

I am sure most of you have heard about this .
When I first heard it on the news it brought back memories. When I was a teenager we happened to live in Japan for 4 years. I remember the first time I experienced their particular proof of Mother Nature. I was about 13 years old, laying in my bed at night. I had snuck a book that my mother had told me I couldn't read, The Exorcist. I had successfully hid this book for the entire week that I was reading it and was finally down to the last couple of pages. It was then that it happened..... I had just finished the last word on the last page and was in the midst of closing the book when all of a sudden I felt my bed begin to move. Petrified, I could do nothing but lay there with my mouth open attempting a scream that was stuck somewhere in my throat. The bed began to shake violently and I felt as if my entire bedroom was swaying. When I looked over towards the window I noticed the sidewalk. Seeing a sidewalk directly out of your window may not be such a big deal if your on the first floor, my room was on the THIRD floor! You see, in Japan their buildings are made to accommodate the Earth shifting as much as possible. In the event of an earthquake the building sways. Of course, considering the book I had just laid to rest, an earthquake was the furthest thing from my mind. No, it did not occur to me that this was an event of Mother Nature. In my 13 year old mind it was Satan himself come to possess my soul. When I finally had control of my body I stood on the bed and did the long jump landing directly in the hallway. Why is the hallway safer than the bedroom? I don't know, I just wasn't willing to touch the ground anywhere near my room where Satan was erupting from beneath my bed. I ran with all my 13 year old might directly to my parents bedroom, informed them what was happening and demanded to be put on the next flight to the States. My parents, the cruel people that they are did not believe me and attempted to rationalize and tell me it was an earthquake. They refused to believe it was Satan. Then my mother, in her sadistic form of humor, announced that we could rent the movie The Exorcist tomorrow. They are horrible people.
To this day I have never seen the movie, wont watch it. Funny, since don't believe in the devil with the whole pagan thing. But I was traumatized, damn it! To this day I have also never visited California, which I never will if I have any say. They have Earthquakes there too and their buildings don't sway.

August 14, 2005

As the Wheel turns

Well, its that time of year again. Time to scramble through the packed stores fighting over the last pack of #2 pencils and waiting in lines that are 1/2 a mile long to check out. Yep, its the beginning of school. Of course, I dislike this time of year for the obvious not wanting to get up early. Although I must admit that I am ready for some quiet time during the day. It will be nice to once again have a sense of routine in the morning. Coffee just isn't the same with Spongebob blaring in the background.
We have done the supply shopping for my son, it wasn't to bad seen as he is still young enough to not really care what his notebooks look like. It's my daughters school shopping that I dread. Unfortunately I always seem to walk out of the store having spent way more than any normal human should on notebooks and pencils when buying her supplies. Although this year I have a plan. Seen as I have been doing this for all 10 years of her education I figure it is Daddy's turn. I am letting him take her school shopping this year, he has never enjoyed the experience personally. Oh he has heard me talk of it and isn't real happy about going but he is so going. Of course, I'm not going to let them go alone. He is new to this after all and she will have him conned so bad he will walk out of that store $500 poorer.

August 10, 2005

Wonderful day in the neighborhood

It was 6am, way to early for any normal human to be up and about. I was taking my husband to work so I would have the car and be able to drive my daughter to work. I had my coffee with me in hopes that my eyes would open somewhere between his work and our home. On the last corner before turning onto our road the car in front of me slams on his breaks forcing me to hit mine. Of course it would all happen just as I was taking a sip of my coffee. Coffee goes everywhere, all over me, all over the dash, all over the steering wheel, all over the radio and is dripping slowly down my leg. Not a good way to start the morning, that alone should have told me to go home and get back in bed. Did I listen to that instinctual voice that said to return to the safety of my bed? Nope, there were things to be done. After cleaning the car and taking a shower it was time to take my daughter to work.
I get my son, who has the sense to still be sleeping, and put him in the car. We begin the 20 minute drive to the town she works in. We get about 2 miles from where she works and there is a police officer in the middle of the road waving some cars to pull into a parking lot and others to pass. Now, I don't have an issue with police officers, I respect what they do and have never had any problems with them. He waves me into the parking lot. We pull in and he approaches the car asking for my license and an ID from my daughter. I inform him she is my daughter, he laughs at me and says "yeah right.". He tells me he is ticketing me for 3 no seatbelts. We were all wearing our seatbelts, I point that out to him. He says we aren't wearing them properly as my car has the automatic seatbelts that pull across you when you sit in the car and close the door and I don't have the lap belt on. I apologize and told him I honestly never gave it any thought assuming that the shoulder belt was enough. I tell him that the lap belt on the passenger side has never worked since we have owned the car and we had been pulled over before so an officer could let me know my taillight had gone out and he never said a word about the lap belt and never ticketed me for it. His response: "Well, I am a traffic cop, this is my specialized field of expertise. Perhaps the officer that pulled you wasn't specialized in traffic law and didn't realize that it was a necessity to wear both belts. But this is my area of expertise so I am aware of the laws." As for my sons belt, my son was holding the shoulder harness away from his throat because that's where it falls on him. Apparently holding it away from your body qualifies as not wearing your seltbelt.
Then he ticketed me for not having a booster seat for my son. I informed him my son was well over 40 lbs and hasn't been in a booster seat since he hit that limit. The officer informed me that a new law has come into effect as of August 1 that says weight doesn't matter, if they are under 8 yrs old they have to be in a booster seat. I apologize again and tell him I wasn't aware. He doesn't care and tells me that new traffic laws are put in effect every year Aug 1 and if I wanted to know what they were I should contact the police department every year on that date and they would inform me.
He then asks for proof of insurance so I give him my insurance card. He wants to know where my policy papers are and I tell him they are at home in the file. He writes me a ticket for no insurance. I tell him I just gave him my card, I have full coverage insurance. Once again he tells me that as of Aug 1 insurance cards are not acceptable forms of proof, you must have your policy on you when you are operating a motor vehicle. He then writes me a ticket for improper equipment because the lap belt on the passenger side is broken. Then, to top it all off, he walks around to the passenger side of the car and writes my daughter a ticket for not wearing her seatbelt because she didn't have the lap belt on.
Once he was finally done, 45 minutes later and we were permitted to pull away I had to fight desperately the urge to run his ass over. I already had $300 worth of tickets, he must have used up all his spare ticket paper....What the hell was one more charge?

August 05, 2005


A 30 minute shower had finally cooled things off enough to be bearable outside. My son had asked me if I would sit outside and watch him ride his scooter, he had some new tricks he wanted to show me. Grabbing some lemonade and a chair I went outside to sit with him. We were out there for quite some time while he showed me his new tricks. I found myself relaxing enjoying the environment around me. As he played I watched him and the horses listening to the birds in the background. I guess I had gotten lost in the tranquility of it all and was staring at my son. What happened next was kind of weird, could very well have been daydreaming, who's to say? While watching him come around the corner on his scooter for a brief moment there were 2 of him. One on the scooter giggling about how fast he could take the turn and one standing just off of the walkway hands on his hips, head thrown back in a good belly laugh. For a moment I was caught off guard and stared at the second boy, it was my son, only older maybe around 15 or 16. He still had the same features, tall and skinny and tan as he is now. His hair was cut short and had blonde streaks on the top. He was wearing long pants that were slightly baggy no shirt. He was precious. As quickly as the other boy was there he was gone. Weird, huh? Dunno what it was, like I said may have just been a product of daydreaming although I didn't feel as if I were. I suppose time will tell. It was so strange, it wasn't as if the other boy were a ghost, he was solid, real as you or I standing there. It gave me pause wondering if the different dimensions theory could be possible, as if somehow for just a moment, 2 different times crossed. Who knows.

August 01, 2005

Better than expected

This weekend past was supposed to be a camping trip with some friends. It has been planned for a long time and we have all been looking forward to going and seeing everyone. Unfortunately hubby had to end up working both Saturday and Sunday so he wasn't going to be able to attend at all. It was tempting to stay home and just plan to attend the next gathering but we have already missed so many I didn't really want to miss another one. I decided that the boy and I would go, a kind of mother son camping trip.
We ended up having the best time! We went on nature trails, watched the animals, went horseback riding, went swimming. It was so much fun! We just hung out together and talked and laughed. Saturday night, after dinner we took a blanket down one of the trails and laid down to watch the stars. We wanted to come away from the campsites some so the lights wouldn't interfere with viewing the stars. Some of the other kids wanted to go too so we all went and laid there looking at the stars. The kids started a game of figuring out what animals the shape of the stars looked like, kind of what you do with clouds during the day.
Needless to say it was an extremely enjoyable weekend and I cant wait to do it again.