May 05, 2005


I came across this article and I have to tell you, I am pissed off! I cannot believe this is being done. Not only are they taking absolute complete advantage of their authority over these children but they are endangering their lives. At what point did some idiot on capital hill decide it was ok to play lab rat with our nations children?! WTF is wrong with these people??!!! My next question is after deciding that it was ok to play lab rat with our kids why the fuck didn't anyone check up on it?
It was shown that there was a significantly higher death rate among the children who took the higher doses. Now people, we are not talking about testing them to see if a medication works; that would be bad enough. Not only were they testing to see if it would work but they didn't even have a clue as to what the doses should be. They were injecting these CHILDREN with toxins and GUESSING!!!!
I find this interesting : "Some foster children died during studies, but state or city agencies said they could find no records that any deaths were directly caused by experimental treatments." Well now isn't that convenient. Of course you couldn't find any correlation between the deaths and the poisons you were pumping into there little symptoms because that would make you liable!!!
"Wisconsin "has absolutely never allowed, nor would we even consider, any clinical experiments with the children in our foster care system," spokeswoman Stephanie Marquis said." well atleast someone has some sense left.
"A recent Institute of Medicine study concluded those Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) were often overwhelmed, dominated by scientists and not focused enough on patient protections." Did they really think they were concerned about the well being of these children? They were targeting the most innocent in our society and of the most innocent the ones who didn't have anyone there to have a voice for them. How low must you crawl?!
"Many studies that enlisted foster children involved early Phase I and Phase II research — the riskiest" Someone okayed this people!!!
If there is anything that could disturb me more it is that these asswipes actually used the defense that if the children were old enough, between the ages of 5 and 10, they were warned of the possible side effects and asked to consent to the study. WTF??!!! Is a 5 yr old big enough to decide whether he should drink beer? Is a 7yr old big enough to decide that he should carry a gun? NO!!!!! But those are the appropriate ages to decide whether they should risk their lives in some science experiment? I think not!
There is nothing more precious than the life of a child, absolutely nothing. And the simple fact that there are parents out there who don't recognize that is appalling. But that our own government not only doesn't recognize it but is willing to exploit them is unforgivable.

*I apologize for not linking but for some reason I am having serious issues with my linking capablities at the moment. Justice help!*


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ravyn. Well done.

It is the MD's job to sell drugs & surgery or develop drugs & surgery. They have long forgotten that they are in the health business.

Justice said...

"They have long forgotten that they are in the health business."

That is so true.

Anonymous said...

I could be off base here but as a foster parent, I can say, each of the kids (three so far) we have had, came with medication. And usually more than two different types. It is not surprising to me, someone would have thought, hey, they are already taking something for this...lets try this as well. Whats the big deal! Argh, is it frustrating!