June 29, 2005

Encounter of the poisonous kind

I have been away from the blogosphere for a few days out of complete necessity. As luck would have it, I had an encounter with a spider and lost. Unfortunately said spider was extremely poisonous. So I have spent the last few days enjoying the company of my favorite people, doctors. Well, 1 ER visit, 3 doctors appointments and 3 shots later they think I'm going to be alright. My body, at this point, must be a walking antibiotic. I don't think I have ever seen so much medicine. Anyway, I'm back and will be posting more soon. But it is early and I haven't even had a full cup of coffee yet so it is going to have to wait a bit.

June 26, 2005


Everyone has a story. A story that could help someone, bring hope or teach a lesson. When that story is your own sometimes you cant see past the emotion to tell it. If you are lucky you may meet someone with an incredible command of language and they may want to tell your story. I have been fortunate enough to meet that person, one of the greatest writers I have known. She asked me for my story and I was honored.
This is my story.

June 25, 2005


Yesterday was a very sad day in our household. I had started the night before with a minor ear infection which turned into something serious over night. I had contacted the doctor the day prior and he was able to fit me in that day. When I got up yesterday I was getting ready to go to my appointment when my son came in to see me. He told me that he thought something was wrong with our dog, Bandito. When I asked him what he meant he explained that he had defecated in his room and wouldn't respond to my son calling him. I immediately went to my sons room to check on the situation. I knew right away that Bandito had passed on. We had been fortunate to enjoy him as long as we had. Bandito was a boxer and their average life expectancy is 7 years, he was 11. He had shown no signs of being sick and looked as if he had just passed on in his sleep. As much as we knew it would happen eventually due to his age it didn't make the shock any less. We are all greatly saddened but at the same time thankful he passed so peacefully. My son and husband dug him a grave out back not far from our circle, they felt that would be a perfect place for him to rest. He was a good companion and will be missed.
My husband insisted that I keep my doctors appointment so I went. They gave me medication but as luck would have it I apparently have formed an allergy to this medication. I broke out in hives last night and have been fighting them all night. Things will get better, it would just be nice if the negative was spaced a part some.

June 23, 2005


When I was a child my grandparents were a very integral part of my upbringing. My mother had me when she was very young so we lived with them until I was 5 and she remarried. On and off during that marriage we lived with my grandparents but even when we weren't in their home it was rare for us to be far away. They were a big part of my life. I have been thinking a lot about them lately, my grandfather mostly. Probably because of Father's Day having just passed. He was such a funny man.

Grandaddy used to have a "secret" candy drawer. Nobody knew about it except me because I was the favorite (until my daughter was born anyway). He used to sneak me candy all the time but I got extra when I felt my parents were being mean to me.
He used to tell stories about growing up on a farm. His favorite part was telling about the times he had to work in the slaughter house, because it used to make my mom puke.
He used to come out of his bedroom just to walk into the living room where we were sitting to fart all the way through the room. He laughed so hard when he did that, he did that a lot.
Grandaddy could clear out a room quicker than anyone I have ever known.
He used to tell me stories about the war. He had everything he had ever received from the military. I wish I had recorded those stories.
He never sang although his favorite song was "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble". You younger generations wont understand that.
For as long as I can remember he flirted with every cute cashier at the grocery store.
Grandaddy had the bluest eyes I have ever seen.
He didn't say "I love you" often, hardly ever. You just always knew.
He would give you everything he had if you needed it, you wouldn't have to ask.
He believed in hard work, good manners, respecting your elders and always helping others in need.
He was the first stable man in my life, the only one until my husband.
He was a good man, one of the best.
I miss you Grandaddy.

Just a thought

I try to keep up regularly with the what's going on in the world today, I read the news and watch it on television. My husband says its because I have gotten old. Maybe so, but as I have gotten older I have found that I want to know what's happening out there. I suppose when your younger it doesn't seem really important because you cant see a direct impact on your everyday life. As you get older you realize that there are a lot of things you didn't consider important that do impact your life. Most of what I see and hear on the news is negative, hell that's pretty much all you hear about. Every now and then something will air that is a good thing but they don't dwell on that to much. I think the media is afraid that if they report to many good things they wont be able to keep their fear hold on us.
Anyway, I was sent a story yesterday that just made me smile. It was about a 12 yr old girl in Ethiopia who was kidnapped by a group of men wanting to marry her. Apparently this type of thing is not uncommon in that region. Normally the girls are kidnapped, beaten and raped so that they are shamed and must marry. Well, this time things didn't seem to go as planned. The men had succeeded in the kidnap part and were in the midst of the beating part, that's where things got a little hairy for the men. While they were beating this child 3 lions walked out of the tall grasses. The lions took the girl, placed her behind them and proceeded for the men. Obviously the men ran out of fear of being eaten. Here is the even more interesting part. The lions didn't leave, they stayed there and guarded this child until authorities found her. At that point the authorities reported the lions just got up and left.
A scientist or two has tried to find a possible explanation as to why these lions reacted this way. They explained it by saying that the child may have been whimpering while she was being beaten which reminded them of a cubs cry. Well, lets think about that for a minute. First, these were male lions not lionesses. The first thing a male lion does when taking over a pride is to eat all of the young, he ensures the females will go into heat and that all of the young will be his own. So if they did mistake it for a cub, which I highly doubt, why didn't they eat her? Secondly, how common is it to see three male lions parading around together? Really.
Just something I found very interesting. Perhaps our scientists should stop trying to prove animals aren't that intelligent. Perhaps we should pay attention and see if there isn't something we could learn from them. Or perhaps the animal kingdom at times gets tired of watching us be so stupid and just cant stand by and let us continue to destroy eachother.

June 20, 2005

Never a dull moment

This past weekend has been a very long but enjoyable one. There is one thing I can say about us, there is never a dull moment around here. Friday was a day of rushing around and making sure everything was in order for closing ceremonies. We fit in a doctors appointment because I have not been able to get Austin's cough under control. The doctor said he is fine, maybe forming allergies. I had so hoped my son would be able to skip out on those but I guess he is going to get his father's allergies. Then I had to go pick up the trophies. They turned out so good!!! I was so very impressed and will definitely be using this company in the future. The kids trophies were golden gloves big enough to hold a game ball set on a white marble base. The base had a black plate on the front that had gold engraving with each child's name and team on it. The trophies he made for the coaches were the glove but on a pedestal with a baseball beside them, they also had the engraving. I had each of the children put their names on the game balls so they could have those to set in their trophies. That evening was slightly crazy because nobody knew what time our game was on Saturday. There was a play off game being played Friday night and that would determine what time our game was the following day. I was up until 11pm Friday night trying to find out when we would play and still didn't find out.
Saturday morning around 8:30 I finally found out our game was at 1pm. Thank goodness I was able to reach all of the parents and everyone showed up. The game was just for fun so we decided to let the kids have fun with it. They could play whatever positions they wanted. The outfield played infield and the infield played outfield. It was hysterical and they had a blast. We had our pizza party for the kids immediately following the game and gave the kids their trophies. They were all so cute. I have to tell you, I am glad the season is over for the break but I am going to miss those kids. We are definitely coaching again next year and maybe fall ball. We have enjoyed this way to much not to continue it. After the pizza party we were unable to go back to the field because D and I had plans that evening so we went back home to get ready.
One of D's friends from work was having his annual bash at his house. It is a memorable event, people come from all over the country for this. Last year we went and had a really good time, it is truly an experience. A bunch of good people getting together, live music, good food, lots of harleys, lots of alcohol.....Its an experience. Last year I had a little to much fun and paid dearly for it so I knew this year I would be pacing myself so as not to get in that condition again. They say all first timers experience the initiation, I wasn't doing that again. Now let me tell you, D and I don't drink very often so it doesn't take much. Last year may have been my year but this year was most definitely his. I have talked to D and he has said it was ok to blog about it so long as I left out some very embarrassing moments for him, so all of this has his permission. Just didn't want you to think I would be here telling the world without him oking it. It all started out alright, just enjoying friends and the music. But as the night progressed D had a bit much to drink. No, he didn't get sick. But he did try and sign me up for a spaghetti wrestling contest. He also tried to sign me up for a wet t-shirt contest then proceeded to tell everyone why it is he believed I would win. Now anyone that knows my husband also knows that he is very shy around women. That is unless he has a bit of liquid courage, and boy did he have a bit. He was the life of the party, dancing and carrying on making sure everyone was having a good time. When he was explaining why it is he believed I would win the wet t-shirt contest one of the women showed him hers and said asked if hers weren't just as good. He smiled like a 5 year old that had been dropped smack in the middle of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and responded with "Oh those are very nice, I like those but Ravyn's would win, no offense." No, he wasn't in trouble for his actions that night. He was very intoxicated and just having a good time. Knowing how shy he is I knew he was going to be so embarrassed the next day, I was gaining ammunition. I laughed so hard watching him all night. Of course the following day when I told him all that he had done he could have curled up and died right then and there. Especially when I told him about grabbing our friends butt. He swears he is never leaving the house again. He is never drinking again, never facing people again. I figure I heard about my "initiation" for a whole year, he is so catching hell for this until next years party. Of course he knows it is coming and is accepting it with only covering his face from embarrassment and no complaint. Which is a good thing cause, boy did he give me hell. LOL
Sunday was fathers day and it was nice. We spent the day with the kids just relaxing. The kids and I got up that morning and made D a big breakfast. We just spent the rest of the day enjoying eachother and went out to dinner that night. It was a wonderful end to a crazy week. I hope all of you dad's out there had a wonderful father's day!

June 14, 2005

Ceremonies, Ferocious Beasts and Reporters

I haven't been able to post as I would like because, well, things have been slightly crazy around here. Not necessarily a bad thing just busy as hell. With the end of baseball season approaching less than a week away and boyscouts ending their run until school starts I have been and will be attending more closing ceremonies than I can take. I have figured one thing out from all of this though. These people have absolutely no clue as to what the hell they are doing. I swear, you would think I had joined in their first year or something. The boyscouts ceremony was scheduled on the same day as my teams double header but it was timed to start an hour and a half before the first game. I figure, no biggie, we can head to the ceremony pick up his awards and patches then head to the game. Why on earth would I think it would be so simple? I should know by now it wont be that easy. The ceremony itself didn't even start until 15 minutes before we had to leave. Thank goodness they got to my sons award just as we were preparing to get up and head to the game. Of course they were missing some of his patches, we have gotten used to this by now. One day we will sit down and create an organizational system for them, just not today.
Baseball season is about over, we have one more game left. Well, two but the second doesn't count. Why a second game that doesn't count? Because a second game that counts would make way to much sense and be easy. Are you seeing a pattern here or is it just me? On a good note, I got their trophies ordered today and will have them in time for closing ceremonies on Saturday. Man, I probably shouldn't have said that because the trophy situation has gone way to easy and I may have just jinxed it.
I have a crazy habit of talking to my animals. Well, I don't find it crazy and few of my friends get it but most people think its crazy. Anyway, whenever I wrestle around with my cats I have told them they are ferocious beasts, little descendants of the lion. I know, weird...Cant help it. I find it funny, and its my house so I can do that. Well I think they have taken me seriously. This week I have saved my cat from the perilous clutches of my roof....
I must say I am proud of myself. I only almost killed an ump once this week. Hey, its a record for me and I'll take what I can get.
On a new record though I almost ate a reporter for the local paper. It was his fault, I swear. Just a big P.S. for anyone out there that might not have the common sense to know better. Do not, I repeat, do NOT hide in a corner with a camera taking pictures of my son while he is playing with other children then approach me asking for the child's name. Good way to get eaten. Hasn't he heard I'm crazy? Someone really should have warned him. He knows now. I must take a moment to explain this one though, cause I swear it was his fault. No, really. I'm coaching the game, because our coach cant read a schedule and didn't know we had a game that night, and my son is up to bat. The kids in the dugout are acting up so I turn to tell them to behave. One of my parents approaches the fence and tells me she thought she saw some man standing on the other side of field taking a lot of pictures of my son. I turn to look but don't see anyone and the kids are taking complete advantage of my lack of attention to them and act up even more. I turn back around and begin to get them settled and the parent tells me she had never seen him before. I figure I will keep a close eye out, we are a small town and everyone knows everyone around here. Two batters later we are switching to go to the outfield and I am instructing the kids as to what position to take on the field. Next thing I know there is a man standing beside me with a camera around his neck, never seen him before. He does not introduce himself, does not say hello, no courtesies at all. The only thing he says is "Hey, do you know that kids name? The one wearing number (my sons number) jersey." Of course I want to know why he is asking. He still does not tell me he is with the paper, his reply was "I would like to know how to spell it." He immediately found himself up against the fence, me in front of him and a row of bats within my reach. The inquisition had begun. It wasn't until after that he told me he was with the paper, a reporter. Well hell, how was I supposed to know? The only thought in my head was "pervert". I know I'm a nut, hell I'm even ok with it. But I still think he should have told someone he was there so he didn't look like a pervert lurking in the corner of the field taking pictures of my kids. Anyway, I didn't eat him, I didn't even hit him with a bat. I did good :)

June 10, 2005

Why am I Insane? Reason #1

Most of you who have been reading for awhile have probably already come to the conclusion that when it comes to my children I am slightly neurotic and maybe even a bit paranoid. I'm aware of it, doesn't bother me, I'm cool with it. I figure I have lived every parents worse nightmare so I am allowed a little crazy. I have to tell you though, its situations like what happened yesterday that just confirm my craziness or my need to be anyway.
My children are going back home to visit their grandparents for a week this summer. We have been doing this for several years but normally my mom drives here to pick them up and my dad drives to bring them back. This year they decided to fly them. My sister is accompanying them, which is the only reason that I agreed to them getting on a plane. My mother bought the tickets, e-tickets, and forwarded them to me. In looking at what she forwarded it is only an itinerary of their flights. Figuring surely there must be more than that I called the airlines to see what type of documentation I would need to bring to put my children on an airplane. Here's where it gets good.
I explain to the airline representative what is going on and ask what I need to bring to the airport for them to board the plane. Maybe birth certificates or social security cards?
him: "Both of your children are under 18?"
me: "Yes"
him: "Oh well that makes it easy then. You aren't required to bring anything."
me; "No, you don't understand. We don't have the tickets in hand, these are e-tickets and it looks like nothing more than an itinerary. Their names aren't even on here. Plus, I'm not flying with them my sister is. So what do I need to do to show that I ok them getting on the plane and prove that they are who I say they are?"
him: "Ma'am, you don't have to show any proof. Federal law says that they don't have to show identification until they are 18 years of age. So you wont have any problems getting them on the plane. Your sister will have to show a valid drivers license to get her ticket but we don't need anything for the children."
me: "Your not serious"
him: "Yes ma'am, that's the law."
me: "So you mean to tell me that anyone can purchase an adult ticket and a child's ticket and board a plane with a kid without showing who they are?! All they have to do is show a drivers license?!"
him : (slightly hesitating) "Yes ma'am"
me: "DO you have any idea how easy it is to get a fake ID? They don't even have to show who this child is they are taking God knows where?! There are thousands of children snatched from their homes every year and your just going to give them a free ride on a plane?!"
him: "Ma'am we are in compliance with federal law."
me: " Well maybe you need to think about that. I can take any kid I want anywhere I want and your going to give me a ticket to do that?! Don't you find something crazy wrong with that?! (at this point I am screaming) Why not just put up a sign 'Kidnappers ride free'. I can not believe you people do absolutely nothing to ensure the safety of children on your flights. I wonder just how many flights you have booked for children who aren't who you thought they were."

The conversation only deteriorated from there. OK so it wasn't necessarily this guys fault that the laws are the way they are but I was pissed. I cannot believe it is that easy for someone to fly a child away. I know he thought he was making my life easier but all he did was make me scared shitless. Needless to say I am sure there is some type of notation somewhere on the computer system for my children's tickets so I am bringing all of the necessary documentation to the airport with me. Just in case I did make someone stop and think because apparently I was asking questions they weren't accustomed to answering.
You see, its things like this that make me crazy.

June 09, 2005


OK Herbinator tagged me with this. I was waiting until I had something much more sophisticated to say, but hey, I'm a mom so keep that in mind with my answers. LOL
# of books that you own:
OMG! I own so many books, there is no way I could even guess on that. I am such a book hog. I have 2 book cases full as well as a ton littered through out the house.
Last book bought:
Green Eggs and Ham......I told you, keep in mind I'm a mom and Dr. Seuss rocks! Of course, that was purchased for my son. The last book I bought for myself is hard to remember. See, I am a very avid reader and I normally go through a book in one day, two at the most. So I tend to do a lot of re-reading or my little hobby gets quite expensive.
Last book I read:
I just finished re-reading The Mists of Avalon. I have read it like 6 times or something. It's a good book.
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Hmmm Books in general mean a lot to me. I guess the five that I own that mean a lot would be:
1. Smart Medicine for Healthier Living - This book is so well worn that it is missing the back cover. It is an amazing reference book that should be in every home. It is one of the only books I have found that actually cross references herbs as well as prescriptions with eachother. It gives you side effects, proper dosages, reasons not to administer, how to use the individual herbs, what parts of the plants to use. It also has Bach Flower, Aromatherapy, Nutritional and acupuncture for hundreds of ailments.
2. Psychopsymatics - Awesome book about the brain and how it functions.
3. Animal Speak - Wonderful book on animal symbolism
4. Learning Journey on the Red Road - An amazing book written by Floyd looks for buffalo hand.
5 Anything by Dr. Seuss he rocks!

June 08, 2005

I miss Her

Years ago, when we first moved here, I met one of the most amazing women I have ever known. We hit it off right away and became the best of friends. She had children close in age to my own so we found ourselves not only friends but two parents going through the same parenting issues together. We shared similar religious beliefs and had so many interests in common. We spent a lot of time together, she was family to me. She shared my tragedies, helped to pull me through them. She shared my suffering, my pain and was there to help pick me back up again. On the days I didn't want to breathe much less get out of bed, when I finally would force myself up she was there. If doing nothing more than washing my dishes, she was there. For that alone she will always be special to me. We hurt together, we laughed together, I loved her.
She was, at the time, in a marriage that was falling apart. I was there for her. When they moved away in an attempt to start over I was so sad. I knew I would miss my friend terribly. I also knew this wasn't the first time they had moved around and she didn't have much contact with old friends she had made. This was just the way she dealt with moving, it made it easier for her to move on. I knew this, and accepted that about her so I didn't expect to hear from her much. We still have occasional contact, not as much as I would like, but again, I knew this. They eventually ended up in divorce.
Her husband has moved back to this area and made contact with myself and some mutual friends. The mutual friends have been in regular contact with him since his return, I have not. They want us all to go visit him, hang out. I cant do it. I have tried and tried to turn this over in my mind but I cant do it. She was my friend, she is my friend. He was really horrible to her and if I were to go I feel as if I would be betraying her. Even though we don't have the regular contact that we did I cant do that to her. Maybe its silly, but I see it as an act of betrayal and she meant to much to me. Even with distance and time between us she is in my heart, always will be. Maybe I am faithful to a fault when it comes to my friends but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Is it?

June 07, 2005


I was talking to a good friend of mine yesterday, discussing different topics from news to children. Somehow we got on the subject of our oldest children. You see, I have a daughter who goes off to college in 2 years, hers goes off to college in 3. "You know what they have a college, don't you?" I say
"What do you mean?" she asks.
"Frat parties"
That comment alone caused us both to come to the conclusion that our children are NOT attending college. They can be homeschooled. Yea, that's it. She will be safe then. Because you know I already have it in my head that there is some horrible man just waiting for my baby girl to enroll in college. He's waiting for her, I just know he is. He is going to entice my sweet innocent little girl to drink and party and God only knows what else. I'm not going to think about it, I'm not, I'm not going to do it. I don't want to go to jail.
Then, of course, we have the whole "Senior Trip" thing looming closer and closer. My daughter really believes she is going on one. Poor thing. She will be lucky if she makes it to the stop sign for her senior trip. Because, well, we wont even go into what is in my head to happen on that! She says she is going to Cancun LOL. Lost her mind she has. Of course, I informed her she was not going anywhere. "I will be 18 mom, you cant really stop me." She thinks she is smart, she thinks she can outwit me. "Yes, you may be 18 and legally I may not be able to stop you but do you think that will really hold me back? Or better yet, you can go. Because I'm going with you." I'm the mom, lived longer, way smarter. "You cannot go on a senior trip with me!" she says "Watch me." was my reply. She is never leaving the house again, never. To many people waiting to prey on her, I'm putting bars on the windows tomorrow. Who the hell said she could grow up anyway?! That wasn't in the contract, I didn't agree to this. And nobody prepared me at all for this. I heard about the terrible 2's, about teenagerdom, but nobody said you have to let them go and here is how you do that. Well I say NO! I carried her in my body for 9 months, went through 12 hours of hard labor to get her fat head out. Spent many a sleepless night taking care of her, worrying about her. Clothing her, feeding her, teaching her, nurturing her, loving her. So she is mine, damn it! I claim her and by all rights I can say "hell no" to her right to grow up! I outrank her, she cannot grow up anymore.

June 05, 2005

That's what little boys are made of

My children are pretty far apart in age, my oldest is 16 and the youngest is 7. There are several times I have thought my youngest should have had a sibling closer in age to himself. Life would have been easier. Someone to play with all the time, talk to, he wouldn't be bored. Well this weekend we have had a little boy stay with us all weekend. He is just a year older than my son so they have been playing pretty well. Of course, as I have learned, there are the boyish squabbles but overall it has been good for the both of them. It is me that I have found wouldn't have been able to handle having two boys so close in age. Boys are so very different from little girls! I thought I had already learned that, I had more to learn.
When little girls have sleep overs they tend to lock themselves away in their bedroom giggling over God knows what. Playing with barbies, makeup, clothes; all the little girly stuff. They don't come out much except for the occasional fashion show that you must watch or for the "I'm hungry" breaks. Little boys, on the other hand, do NOT lock themselves away anywhere! They run through everywhere holding epic battles anywhere they can wield their make shift swords. They will only be satisfied playing with something as long as it isn't in intervals that last longer than 15 minutes. Then they will run to the next thing making sounds along the way that resemble what must have been war cries in ancient times. They are not quiet, they do not giggle and they are not still. As a woman I am completely lost in this testosterone ravaged territory. Don't get me wrong, I have completely enjoyed having this little boy over and we will have him over several times more. I am just learning here.
I am learning they wear me out!

June 04, 2005

Assume makes an ass out of you and me

Being a mother is the most thankless, low paying job I have ever had. It is also the most rewarding and I cant think of one I would rather have. Most of you know I am a SAHM and consider myself very fortunate to be able to do that. It wasn't always that way. There was a time when I was a single mom of two working 2 full time jobs, busting my ass just to make ends meet. It seems so long ago now. I have slowly been getting to know a woman who has reminded me of that time in my life, her situation is different than mine was but I still understand.
Her husband was murdered 5 years ago leaving her with 2 young boys to try and raise on her own. They are good boys, respectful, polite; she has done a good job with them thus far. Yet, she still struggles. She goes to school full time in hopes of getting a better paying job so she can give her kids a better life and chance for the future. She works full time to be able to put what little bit of food she can afford on the table. She enrolls her boys in extra curricular activities so they wont have idle time to get in trouble. She attends everything they participate in and she is the loudest one in the stands shouting support for the kids. The children get good grades because she takes the time to sit down with them individually and work on it. She attends all of their school meetings and is involved in their education. There have been only a couple of men in her life since that dreadful night 5 years ago. Unfortunately they haven't been any who really wanted to be involved in her kids lives.
Now, when she is at a point that she needs a second job in order to maintain their house she has nobody to turn to. She is devastated that the boys may have to quit their extracurricular activities, but what other choice does she have? Who is going to be with the children while she works all night? Who is going to get them to their games? She is a proud woman and doesn't like to ask for help. There isn't really anyone close who can help. She has turned to someone she barely knows. In doing that something inside broke, the reality of her situation hit her. She cried to this woman who was barely more than a stranger not knowing what else to do. Would she help her? Would she shun her as nothing more than some single mother who had gotten herself with two kids and should have known better as other people had assumed?
People stand outside that situation and make assumptions. All they see is a woman with 2 children living in an old rental home, no father in the picture and they assume. They assume wrong. Yes I will help her, I will be glad to help her. I will help without judgment, without expectations. I have been there in my own way, so many women have been there in their own way. We should help eachother pull through this.

June 02, 2005

Ladies night, oh what a night!

I received a phone call yesterday from a good friend of mine whom I haven't seen in awhile. She has just recently moved back into the area and wanted to have some friends over for dinner. I have missed her and knew I could definitely use a night out with the girls so of course I agreed. It's about an hour drive out to where she lives since I live so far out in the country but it was an enjoyable drive. Once I got there we popped open the bottle of wine I brought and visited on the front porch waiting for the others to arrive. She lives in this beautiful Cape Cod style home with its big wrap around porch, herb gardens planted decoratively in the front. She lives with 3 other women, one of which I have met recently (Linda) and really enjoyed, that woman's mother and another roommate whom I had yet to meet. The mother was there when I arrived and we hit it off immediately, what a neat woman! We had a lot of interests in common, she owns her own costuming business and I could have just picked her brain all night. Linda arrived home shortly after my arrival bringing with her another woman, I don't remember ever meeting this other woman but she knows me somehow.
Anyway, we all gathered in the living room and back porch through out the night enjoying some wine and eachothers company. How I have missed conversing with a group of intelligent women. I was particularly awed by the relationship Linda shares with her mother. You would never know they are mother and daughter, the mother doesn't look old enough for one. But most importantly they are the best of friends, it wasn't as if someone's mother was there it was a group of friends hanging out laughing and having a good time. I found myself thinking if all mothers could have that relationship with their daughters when they are grown what a wonderful thing it would be. There was a genuine bond between them of enjoyment, happiness and love; they just enjoy eachother. Dinner was amazing! We had smoked salmon over rice and some kind of fresh salad with strawberries and poppy seed dressing. All of the women in this home are artists in one form or another so the interior decorating is breath taking. What a neat group of women!
I knew when I left that we definitely needed to do that again soon. When I got home around 1am everyone was asleep so I crawled quietly into bed beside D. To my surprise he rolled over and smiled "Did you have a good time?" "Yes, I really did. You were right, I needed that." I said. "I'm always right, you should listen to me more often." was his snickered reply. Always the smartass, that one. Jabbing him lightly in the ribs we rolled over with his arms wrapped around me and went to sleep. A perfect ending to a wonderful night.

June 01, 2005

We did it!

Last night was absolutely amazing! I don't know what kind of Wheaties my kids ate yesterday but I am going to find out and keep a permanent supply. Yep, we won the game. Not only did we win but we won by the mercy rule. The mercy rule, for those of you unfamiliar, can only be invoked by the ump after the 4th inning. It says that one team has atleast 10 points over the other team. That was us 15 - 5. You should have seen those kids, they were unbelievable! Everyone of them on the ball, I didn't have to yell for anyone to pay attention, there was no dance class going on in the outfield, they kept it together. Hell, even the kids who have never touched the ball with a bat got a hit every single time. I could not believe it, there I was screaming like a banshee. They were so cute, they would see the score and get excited saying "we're winning". I told them "don't get to excited because this has happened before and when you guys get to excited you slack up and then they kick our butts. They are a good team so we need to stay focused and hold them back.". Don't you know they did it! They started telling eachother "calm down don't get to excited we have to hold them back." Then of course once it was over they went nuts, hell I went nuts too! I'm so proud of them, I knew they could do it.